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E3M Imagine 2025: Social Economy Models for the Future of Public Services

Date: 07.05.2025 | 9.00-16.30
Location: People’s History Museum, Manchester

Building on the success of E3M Imagine 2024, this one-day, interactive event will bring together the experience of innovative social enterprise leaders, bold commissioners responsible for public services, and funders and social investors to focus on real issues and discuss how to improve outcomes and meet challenges in the future.

The 2023 Procurement Act: unlocking the art of the possible

Date: 27.03.2025 | 14.00-15.00

Public purpose: distinguishing market purchasing from system stewardship
In this interview with E3M’s Jonathan Bland, Sandra Hamilton, from the Manchester University Institute of Innovation Research, and Julian Blake, public benefit lawyer, will address procurement myths, highlighting the many flexibilities permitted under UK law.

E3M Imagine: Social Economy Models for the Future of Public Services

Date: 16.07.2024 | 9.00-16.30
Location: People’s History Museum, Manchester

This one-day, interactive event looked at how to grow social enterprise and co-operative models for public services, to improve outcomes and meet challenges for the future. In the context of some public services not meeting people’s needs, poor outcomes for some of those most in need of support, and ever-increasing financial pressures, the event explored […]

Partnerships for Impact

Date: 21.06.2023 | 9.30-17.00
Location: Barbican Centre, Silk Street, London, EC2Y 8DS

This one-day seminar explored how social enterprises can work in partnership to achieve impact and transform lives in local communities. This includes social enterprises working with the public and private sectors, with social investors, and with other social enterprises and charities. Increasingly, people are using the language of partnership, social value, collaboration and impact, but […]

Webinar: How can social investment support commissioners to improve local services?

Date: 24.04.2023 | 15.00-16.30

This free webinar was aimed at commissioners from local public authorities, as well as leaders of social enterprises and other public benefit organisations, to explore new and more impactful ways of organising public services. The event explored how social investment can support local public authorities’ work with social enterprises to improve services. Drawing on case […]

Webinar: Procurement to Partnership – your questions answered

Date: 21.09.2022 | 14.00-15.00

Are you a commissioner working on developing new approaches to meeting needs, or a social enterprise or charity with an innovative or a particular proposition? Could a purpose-centred, place-based, outcomes-focussed approach built on collaboration and partnership make a difference? Do you need innovative, long-term, preventative solutions? Could harnessing the inherent social value in public benefit […]

Harnessing the full potential of social enterprises for public services and to meet local needs

Date: 25.05.2022 | 9.30-17.30
Location: Clothworkers' Hall, Dunster Court, Mincing Lane, London, EC3R 7AH

To book please click here (link generates an email) Join us for this special event in central London aimed at: Commissioners and decision makers in local public authorities Social Enterprise leaders Funders and investors Set against the context of the consequences of the Covid pandemic and the unprecedented economic and social challenges faced by communities […]

Relational Commissioning Webinar: harnessing the power of purpose alignment

Date: 31.03.2022 | 14.00-15.30

This free webinar is aimed at commissioners from local public authorities, as well as leaders of social enterprises and other public benefit organisations, who want to explore new and more impactful ways of organising public services. With case studies from Plymouth and Croydon, the event will explore how local public authorities can work in partnership […]

Webinar: Public Benefit Partnerships for Children’s Services

Date: 08.07.2021 | 10.30am-12.00pm

For those in public authorities exploring new ways of improving Children’s Services, based on creating long term partnerships with social enterprises and charities, this webinar will be of interest to: Directors of Children’s Services Lead council members responsible for Children’s Services Commissioners Procurement and Legal teams Social enterprises & charities working with children & families […]

Growing the New Economy: co-operative & social enterprise place-based innovation

Date: 12.02.2020 | 9.00-16.15
Location: The Queen Elizabeth Hall, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL

This national convention brought together an exciting mix of ca. 250 key decision makers from local authorities, health and other local public institutions, leaders of co-operatives and social enterprises with funders and investors to explore how the social economy can play a much more central role in the economic and community wellbeing of places across the country. […]

Public Benefit Partnerships: Commissioning for Innovation, Social Value and Impact.

Date: 24.09.2019 | 9.30 - 17.00
Location: The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A IPL

This seminar was aimed at senior leaders and commissioners in local public authorities, social enterprises that trade in public service markets and others interested in supporting the development of new solutions for services in local communities. Building on E3M’s ground-breaking work in applying the principles of The Art of the Possible in Public Procurement, the event explored how […]

Creating Happy Productive Social Enterprises

Date: 20.09.2018 | 9.30-17.00
Location: Happy London Training Centre, 3rd Floor, 9 Alie Street, London E1 8DE

A one-day seminar for leaders and senior team members in social enterprises. E3M was delighted to hold this one-day event in partnership with Happy, the award-winning company that offers management and leadership training programmes, consultancy and coaching services to help others create their own Happy workplaces.       A positive workplace culture is key […]

Commissioning Social Enterprises: Moving from Procurement to Partnerships

Date: 22.03.2018 | 10.00-17.00

This one-day seminar was aimed at senior leaders and commissioners in local public bodies, social enterprises that trade in public service markets and others interested in supporting the development of new solutions for services in local communities. The collapse of Carillion demonstrated the problem with large, private, share value focussed companies being awarded public contracts […]

Models: Strategies and Models for Sustainable Social Enterprise Growth

Date: 20.07.2017 | 10.00-16.30
Location: Bates Wells, 10 Queen Street Place, London, EC4R 1BE

Our one-day seminar on 20th July 2017 was attended by leaders and senior staff from commercial social enterprises, who wanted to explore how to achieve growth to support impact and long-term success. Via case studies and expert commentary, the event drew on the experience of successful social enterprises. Sessions focussed on strategies to win the right kind […]

Money: Financing Social Enterprise Innovation in Public Services

Date: 24.05.2017 | 10.00-17.30
Location: Bates Wells LLP, 10 Queen Street Place, London, EC4R 1BE

This one-day E3M seminar was for leaders of commercial social enterprises and senior staff in public authorities, who wanted to learn about opportunities for financing innovative new approaches to public services provision. Having a particular focus on new, place-based approaches to solving local challenges, and based on the experience of E3M members and other similar […]

Maximising Impact – The Implications for Governance

Date: 29.03.2017 | 9.00 - 17.00
Location: BWB Offices, 10 Queen Street Place, London , EC4R 1BE

This E3M one-day seminar was aimed at CEOs of social enterprises, Chairs and non-Executive Directors. Building on E3M’s previous work in this area, it explored the key issues for successful governance, for social enterprises seeking to maximise their impact. Developed with E3M’s core partners, BWB and Numbers for Good, and with special support from Big […]

Markets: E3M Alchemy: Partnerships for Success in Transforming Local Services

Date: 21.09.2016 | 09.00 - 17.00
Location: Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre

E3M Alchemy 2016 – London, 21 September This was a very successful day, spent exploring the ‘art of the possible’ in the transformation of local public services. Senior public service commissioners, leaders of commercial social enterprises and social investors came together to share perspectives and to think in new ways about local solutions. Delegates gleaned new and practical ideas about how […]

Stunning visual minutes from Growing the New Economy

OPAG (Oldham Play Action Group) created these powerful and intricate visual minutes to capture ideas and discussions at the Growing the New Economy event. Click on the right arrow, below, to see a slideshow of all of them. Or click within the photograph to see each of them within Flickr (you can download them too). […]