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Example documentation, contracts, processes and agreements you can access – or use as a checklist as you progress your partnerships.

These practical models and outlines include a set of social value imperatives which you can access here – your first tool in what will become a well-stocked cabinet.

To be notified when we publish other resources and model documents, just pop your email address in to the form below. Over the coming months we will publish:

  1. Social Value Imperatives – published here
  2. Consultation Process
  3. Receipt of Provider Proposition Process
  4. Commissioning Options for Innovation (Pilot; Grant; Unique; Market tested unique (VEAT/PIN); Co-investment/Joint Venture; Innovation Partnership; Applied Specification; Dialogue Process)
  5. Invitation to Tender for an innovative project
  6. Assessment Process for a potential provider in relation to Social Value Imperatives
  7. Project Contract
  8. Project Contract Sub-Contract
  9. Project Grant
  10. Project Sub-Grant
  11. Innovation Partnership Agreement
  12. Community Partnership Agreement
  13. Commissioning Authority Collaboration Agreement
  14. Social Investment Agreements, including Social Impact Bond versions, blending social purpose and reasonable return.
  15. Multi-sector, Multi-stakeholder Local Development Strategy
  16. Public Service Business Plans
From Procurement to Partnership News

For Commissioners | Social Entrepreneurs | Social Investors: Get updates whenever we publish new resources, case studies, tools and model documents.

Just pop your email address in the box then look out for an email from – you’ll need to click the confirmation link:

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Answers to Frequently-Asked Questions

Plus put your specific queries to our community, made of up public-partnership-success-stories, legal and finance experts, bold commissioners and social enterprise leaders. FAQs AND POST A QUESTION.

Case studies of purpose-aligned partnerships

Examples of successful public service community partnerships delivering a variety of public services. See them here.

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