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E3M Imagine 2025: Social Economy Models for the Future of Public Services

Event Date: 07.05.2025 |Time: 9.00-16.30 |Location: People’s History Museum, Manchester |Categories: Events, Featured |Tags: , , , ,

Building on the success of E3M Imagine 2024, this one-day, interactive event will bring together the experience of innovative social enterprise leaders, bold commissioners responsible for public services, and funders and social investors to focus on real issues and discuss how to improve outcomes and meet challenges in the future.

In the context of some public services not meeting people’s needs, poor outcomes for some of those most in need of support, and ever-increasing financial pressures, the event will explore how successful social enterprise and co-operative models can be scaled.

Aimed at:

  • Public service commissioners – local authorities, NHS, Police and Crime Commissioners, etc.
  • Social enterprises and co-operatives
  • Funders and social impact investors

the event is an evolution of E3M’s Alchemy methodology, in which mixed groups of participants work together in a series of facilitated sessions, to identify what needs to happen to develop and scale new approaches for services.

This year’s challenges are:

  • Social Care – supporting people with learning disabilities as they age
  • Social Care – improved outcomes for young autistic people
  • Local Growth – doubling the size of the social economy at a local level
  • Skills and Employment – social economy routes into employment for people with complex needs
  • Children’s Services – reimagining supported accommodation for young people in care
  • Health – how to grow and finance preventative approaches to improve health outcomes in local areas
  • Older People – how to harness shifts in commissioning, partnership models and technology to create co-operation between authorities, providers and the people themselves to provide better outcomes for those who are ageing

Prior to the event, each participant will choose a challenge and receive some corresponding background information. During the event, participants work with the Alchemy mix of people at their table, supported by a facilitator, to explore:

  • Understanding of the issues
  • Development of big ideas
  • Models for partnership and collaboration
  • How social impact investment can make a difference
  • How to move things forward, overcoming barriers and putting enablers in place

Vignette presentations will punctuate the day and at the end of the event each group will generate feedback to populate a report.

For more information and to book a place, please click here.

We gratefully acknowledge Stone King LLP, Better Society Capital, Lloyds Bank Foundation
and Co-operatives UK for their support with this event.