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Webinar: Procurement to Partnership – your questions answered

Event Date: 21.09.2022 |Time: 14.00-15.00 |Categories: Events, Featured |Tags: , ,

Are you a commissioner working on developing new approaches to meeting needs, or a social enterprise or charity with an innovative or a particular proposition?

Could a purpose-centred, place-based, outcomes-focussed approach built on collaboration and partnership make a difference?

Do you need innovative, long-term, preventative solutions?

Could harnessing the inherent social value in public benefit organisations support better services that meet people’s needs in your area?

Are you looking to apply purpose-centred commissioning practices that are proportionate and practical?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above, this one-hour session is aimed at supporting you to put in place new partnerships between public authorities and social enterprises and the wider social economy sector.

Participants will get practical insights into implementing 5 key correctives for public service reform:

  • Commissioning shapes ecosystems
  • Purpose must drive process
  • Intrinsic social value
  • Centrality of public benefit
  • Partnership replacing transaction

We will answer questions about practical projects you are working on.

We will also explore what might change following the introduction of the Government’s new Public Procurement Bill and how to build on progressive practice in the context of the Bill.

Over the last 12 months the E3M procurement to partnership webinars have explored a series of practical case studies of relational commissioning and the development of successful partnerships, with expert input on the issues involved in getting them up and running. They include:

  • From procurement to partnership – exploring case studies of Oldham’s Innovation Partnership for Social Prescribing and the Plymouth Alliance for people with complex needs
  • Public Benefit Partnerships for Children’s Services – looking at the Children’s Innovation Partnership in Leicestershire with Barnado’s and Kibble’s work in Scotland
  • Using Social Value Principles to commission services and for community wealth building with learning from London South East Education Group and from Oldham
  • Relational Commissioning – harnessing the power of purpose alignment with case studies from Croydon and Plymouth

(Recordings of these events are all online. Click here to view.)

This session will draw together some of the key ingredients for success from the examples we have explored and give the opportunity for webinar participants to get answers to their questions on practical issues they are currently dealing with.

Chaired by Jonathan Bland, Managing Director, Social Business International, our expert panel consists of:

  • Julian Blake, Partner, Stone King
  • Bianca Byrne, Interim Director of Adults Strategic Commissioning, Policy & Improvement, Croydon Council
  • Liz Perfect, Assistant Director for Strategic Partnerships, Barnardo’s

If you have a specific question you would like us to address during the webinar, please send it to

Places are FREE, please click below to register

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