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Webinar: How can social investment support commissioners to improve local services?

Event Date: 24.04.2023 |Time: 15.00-16.30 |Categories: Events |Tags: , , ,

This free webinar was aimed at commissioners from local public authorities, as well as leaders of social enterprises and other public benefit organisations, to explore new and more impactful ways of organising public services.

The event explored how social investment can support local public authorities’ work with social enterprises to improve services. Drawing on case studies from Kirklees and Rotherham, and with input from our expert panel, participants heard how social investment can make a difference to the way services are organised, bringing new resources and supporting transformation.

It was the sixth in our webinar series linked to the E3M From Procurement to Partnership Toolkit.

The Speakers

Julian Blake, Partner, Stone King
Jacqui Clark, Head of Prevention & Early Intervention, Strategic Commissioning, Adult Care, Housing & Public Health, Rotherham MBC
Tej Dhami, Managing Director, The Change Coefficient
Tamsin Eastwood, Partner, Stone King
Emma Hanley, Senior Contracting & Procurement Manager, Kirklees Council
Aman Johal, Investment Director, Big Society Capital


15.00 Welcome – Jonathan Bland and Julian Blake

15.10 Introduction– How social investment can help – Tej Dhami

15.20 Case Studies
Rotherham – Jacqui Clark
Jacqui will share Rotherham’s experience of Mental Health Services and how social investment is supporting the alternative care and support models, working with a social enterprise provider that was able to bring new resources to finance the provision of new supported accommodation.
Kirklees – Emma Hanley
Emma will share experience of the Kirklees Better Outcomes Partnership (KBOP), where social investment has been used in an outcomes-based contract with a partnership to improve services for people with complex needs. The partnership involves eight partners and provides support with housing, health and wellbeing, education and employment, and support with domestic violence. It uses a special purpose vehicle and has investment from Bridges Ventures. It won financial support from the Life Chances Fund and is being evaluated by GoLab at Oxford University. 

15.50 Speakers Panel and Q&A

16.30 End