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The children’s services market is not fit for purpose, does not meet the needs of children at risk and looked after children, and is under investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority.

But partnerships based on purpose-alignment for public benefit can deliver better children’s services at better value for the public purse. This webinar includes:

  • the ground-breaking Children’s Innovation Partnership created by Leicestershire County Council and Barnardo’s
  • Kibble, one of the UK’s most successful social enterprises, supporting children with their unique approach to partnership
  • Other expert commentary and Q&A
  • Click the arrow to play and read on for more information

Held on Thursday 8 July, the webinar features:

  • 0 – 5:03 Jonathan Bland, E3M & Social Business International: introduction
  • 5:03 Julian Blake, Partner, Stone King: 5 key principles for public reform
  • 14:00 Liz Perfect, Assistant Director Strategic Partnerships, Barnardo’s: Partnering for Innovation and Systems Change – Leicestershire’s Children’s Innovation Partnership
  • 36:30 Mark Macmillan, Kibble: Changing Lives through Football and Social Enterprise
  • 55:40 Panel discussion and Q&A, featuring the speakers above plus Kathy Evans, Chief Executive, Children England and Councillor Cordelia Law, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Torbay Council

The webinar demonstrates it is possible to deliver high-quality children’s services by taking a more innovative approach than the status-quo and using the power of purpose-aligned partnerships between councils, social enterprises and charities.

Our toolkit seeks to help users make this happen. It is a step-by-step guide to realising purpose-alignment and making it work for local communities, so please look around via the links below, send your questions through this email and get involved.

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