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Local Alchemy Evaluation Report: Unlocking Social Value and Investment through Collaboration

Publication date: 11/02/2020 |Categories: Featured, Measurement, Publications

Summary report covering the impact of Local Alchemy in Oldham, Rotherham and Gainsborough

Full evaluation report covering the impact of Local Alchemy in Oldham, Rotherham and Gainsborough

How an innovative process catalysed understanding and relationships between local authorities and social enterprises.

E3M’s Local Alchemy events in Oldham, Rotherham and Gainsborough demonstrated the power of collaboration between social enterprises, commissioners and investors.

This series of events developed by a team of social enterprise and investment experts gave participants permission to “think differently,” catalysing:

  • understanding of social enterprises and new models to deliver social good,
  • relationships which will be the foundation for ongoing social development,
  • and action in the form of new partnerships and projects.

Over £12m of social investment was unlocked directly as a result of the programme, with projects and communities in all three locations benefiting.

A full evaluation report is available here. (22 pages + 8 page appendix, pdf format).

This 4 page summary document (pdf) describes the key outcomes of Alchemy in Gainsborough, Rotherham and Oldham.