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Quo Vadis Trust

Organisation Summary

Business Sector:Health and Social Care

Business Activities:Quo Vadis Trust provides social housing care and support for people living with mental health needs.

Business Location:Catford, SE London

Chief Executive:Ingrid Tennessee

Turnover:£5.25m (2022)


Legal structure:Registered Charity

Quo Vadis Trust provides social housing, care and support for people in South East London living with mental health needs.

Working in partnership with clients to support recovery, increase independence, maximise potential and promote the best possible quality of life, it provides a supportive living environment for adults who are at risk.

E3M Member

Quo Vadis Trust

Name:Ingrid Tennessee

Title :Chief Executive and Company Secretary

Ingrid was appointed CEO of Quo Vadis Trust (QVT) Housing Association in October 2016. She has a master’s degree in Clinical and Public Health Aspects of Addictions and is an accredited BACP Counsellor. Her leadership experience spans 25 years in the Health and Social Care Sector.

Ingrid grew up in a deprived area of Guyana, South America, but despite the challenges presented by this, became a Secondary School Teacher at a school where she was once a pupil. She moved to the UK in the early 90s.

The rich tapestry of her experience includes having served as a Special Constable in the Metropolitan Police Service, gaining first-hand experience of hard-to-reach groups and individuals who have fallen through various safety nets. She has also served as a District Councillor with Sevenoaks Council and became a member of the Audit and Housing Committee, followed by being Vice Chair of Governance.

Ingrid has an in-depth understanding of the effects of homelessness, social, complex mental health issues, and dual diagnosis, with expertise in designing and delivering tailored services for these needs. Her achievements include the innovative remodelling of first core and flexi approach to care and support for mental health services in the London Borough of Lewisham.

Ingrid has a passion for shaping person-centred services for vulnerable people experiencing barriers to self-fulfilment. Her promotion of equality and diversity in the services she leads resulted in her being shortlisted for the National Equality and Diversity Housing Sector Award in 2017.

Her other achievements include successful implementation of volunteering programmes to support core staff in the third sector. She understands and has proven that this type of support maximises and augments permanent staffing capacity and service delivery in smaller organisations, primarily for the benefit of clients, but also for those involved in delivering the service and for wider society.