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Cartrefi Cymru

Organisation Summary

Business Sector:Education and care

Business Activities:Supported Living Services, Domiciliary Care, Respite Care, Community Engagement and Inclusion

Business Location:Throughout Wales

Chief Executive:Geraint Jenkins

Turnover:£40 million


Legal structure:Limited Company, Registered Charity, Multi-stakeholder Co-operative

Cartrefi Cymru

Cartrefi Cymru Co-operative is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting people across Wales since 1989. Originally established to provide individuals with learning disabilities in rural areas and The Valleys the opportunity to live within their communities, it has grown into a leading co-operative, involving those it supports, its employees, and the community in decision-making to deliver a person-centred, collaborative approach.

At the core of Cartrefi Cymru’s work is a commitment to enabling individuals with learning disabilities to live independent, fulfilling lives as valued members of their communities. All its services, including supported living and home care, are tailored to individual needs, helping to build stronger, more inclusive communities.

In 2016, Cartrefi Cymru transformed into a co-operative, empowering everyone involved to influence the organisation’s direction. This approach ensures its work reflects the values and needs of those it supports.

With 1,200 staff across 16 local authorities, Cartrefi Cymru is one of the largest providers of learning disability support in Wales. Its mission focuses not just on growth, but on delivering ethical, high-quality care, creating futures with dignity and purpose. The organisation’s passion and commitment makes it truly Everyday Remarkable, as it works to build more compassionate communities across Wales.

E3M Member

Cartrefi Cymru

Name:Geraint Jenkins

Title :CEO

Geraint Jenkins is the CEO of Cartrefi Cymru Co-operative, having joined the organisation in 2011 as an Area Manager. With a career that began in a local nursing home as a Care Assistant, Geraint's passion for social care developed early. Though he initially pursued nursing, his commitment to supporting adults with learning disabilities led him to transition into the third sector. This leap of faith became the foundation of his leadership journey, where he has worked across various settings throughout Wales and England.

In addition to his professional career, Geraint is deeply engaged in the voluntary sector. He dedicates much of his spare time to supporting local charities, including the St John Ambulance Brigade and the Welsh Ambulance Service.