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Allied Health Professionals Suffolk

Organisation Summary

Business Sector:Healthcare

Business Activities:Provision of a variety of healthcare services to NHS providers in Suffolk, Norfolk, Suffolk Coastal, Enfield, Cambridgeshire and Essex.

Business Location:East Anglia

Chief Executive:Joanna Douglas

Turnover:£7.5 million


Legal structure:Community Interest Company, Company limited by guarantee

Allied Health Professionals Suffolk has operated as a community interest company since July 2011. As a staff led social enterprise, its aim and purpose is to provide high quality, accessible healthcare at the point of need, to help people return to optimal health and stay healthy.

AHP Suffolk works in partnership with staff, patients and commissioners to develop a continually improving range of services to meet their needs effectively and efficiently. It provides an extended service to people with chronic back problems, runs a ground-breaking educational programme for people who may require joint replacements, and works with NHS commissioning colleagues to develop new services around chronic pain management and other peripheral joint pathologies.

The organisation’s philosophy and values are to ensure patients’ needs are at the centre of everything, by delivering evidence-based quality care and treatment. It has developed a responsive, needs-based service, focussed on the delivery of individualised patient care that retains dignity and respect for all. This provides staff with the means to maintain the highest standards of professional development. They act with pride and integrity, are open and honest, and enjoy their work.

E3M Member

Allied Health Professionals Suffolk

Name:Jo Douglas

Title :Chief Executive Officer

Jo is the Chief Executive Officer of Allied Health Professionals Suffolk, and has led the service throughout its journey in 2011 to form a social enterprise. She is a Chartered Physiotherapist and continued with an element of clinical practice until recently. She has 40 years of NHS and independent sector experience, has significant senior management level experience within the NHS and is the founder and leader of AHP Suffolk.