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Are there outcomes-based contracting arrangements that incentivise collaborative responses like those featured in our case studies?

Date: 20.07.21

Certainly. The ideas of partnership, collaboration and multi-sectoral integration are all based on common purpose as the essential starting point, essential guiding principle and only measure of success.

The purpose is to achieve optimal public service provision, combining all available resources. That may be described as securing maximum “social value”, or “public value”. It may also be described as maximising beneficial social impact.

In any properly-focused outcomes-based contract, the target outcomes are derived from the driving purpose and the social value, public value and impact that may be achieved. Commissioner, social providers and other community stakeholders are naturally purpose-aligned and from that common focus, collaborative methodology can co-ordinate perspectives and analyses to determine the over-arching target social/public value and impact and the tangible, target outcomes that best represent them.