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Here: Care Unbound Ltd

Organisation Summary

Business Sector:Health Services

Business Activities:Community healthcare service provision, largely delivering NHS contracts or B2B solutions.

Business Location:Brighton

Chief Executive:Dr Helen Curr



Legal structure:Social Enterprise (asset locked)

Here: Care Unbound Ltd is an employee-owned social enterprise delivering community health services. Here was founded in 2008 to find new ways to deliver healthcare. It brings to life outstanding, innovative services with tangible benefits to individuals and communities. Its beating heart is a commitment to making sure that patients are at the centre of everything, believing that:

  • health care must provide exceptional services that can create health – not just manage disease.
  • good health care allows us to live better lives (and die better deaths).
  • exceptional health care can (and must) address inequity in our society.

Seeing the organisation as part of a global movement exploring ways of living and working that benefit us all, Here’s services range from the delivery of community health contracts including musculoskeletal, dementia and primary care services, to enabling services such as data analytics and e-learning, which allow others to deliver transformational change and service delivery.

E3M Member

Here: Care Unbound Ltd

Name:Dr Helen Curr

Title :Chief Executive Officer

Helen was appointed CEO in March 2020, following her role as Director of Clinical Services for Here since 2015. She has a special interest in organisational development and working cultures, completing The King's Fund Top Manager Programme in 2018.

Prior to this Helen was a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the NHS, with a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from University College London, working in a range of mental health services including primary care, collaborations for long term conditions, and psychosis.