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Come and see the site of the new eco-centre and the UK’s largest urban farm and eco-park on Snipe Clough, 160 acres of under-used green space in the heart of the town.
Snipe Clough

For Convention participants who are interested in learning about Oldham’s ground-breaking Northern Roots project and to get a sense of the scale of the vision, and the challenge, we are organising a pre-convention site visit.

There is something inspirational happening in Oldham. The council has developed an extraordinary wide-ranging project, Northern Roots, that is a powerful example of what the currently fashionable idea of a Green New Deal might look like in practice.

“Their aim is to demonstrate an approach to environmental, health and social problems which integrates the solutions rather than simply shifting them from one silo to another. The project is a visionary response to the pressure of austerity on local authority budgets that will help to fill the gap left by the retreat of the state, as well as addressing a raft of environmental issues.
Tom Burke CBE, Chairman of E3G

Northern Roots builds on Oldham’s growing reputation as a centre of green excellence and innovation. The project is being developed with and for local communities, with the support of Oldham Council, to deliver environmental, social and economic benefits. Working in collaboration with partners and businesses, Northern Roots will develop a wide range of activities on Snipe Clough, including agriculture, horticulture, forestry, food production, biodiversity enhancement, sport, nature-based education and eco-tourism. From guided walks to 10k races, music festivals to micro-breweries, mountain biking to woodland weddings, Northern Roots will realise the potential of Snipe Clough, opening up a wealth of wellbeing, leisure and tourism opportunities for all to enjoy.

As it develops Northern Roots will boost skills, enterprise and employment opportunities, bringing significant economic benefits to the area. The project will license and support a wide range of different social enterprises to develop and operate the site, under the Northern Roots banner. A truly trailblazing project, Northern Roots will put Oldham on the national and even global map, as the pioneer of a sustainable new model to improve health, create local wealth and connect communities through enhancing green spaces.

Northern Roots

Oldham nature






To book your place on the visit:
If you would like to visit the Northern Roots site, click here to book onto the convention and ensure you select the pre-convention site visit option on the booking form.

The visit will take place on 11th February, commencing by bus at 14.30 from outside the Queen Elizabeth Hall in Oldham and will return there at 16.30. The numbers for the visit are limited to 30 and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, so sign up now if you want to be sure of a place.