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Many people use the term partnership referring to a contract, rather than a true partnership with shared risks and opportunities. Do you have a good example of a true partnership and how social enterprise(s) responded to holding some of the risk?

Author: E3M
Date: 08.06.21

An example of true partnership is the delivery of the public bus service on the island of Jersey by the charitable social enterprise HCT Group. An orthodox tender (in competition with UK and French commercial operators) was won with a partnership proposition. In addition to the public benefit purpose alignment and the commitment to comprehensive […]

In terms of the Toolkit case studies, would you say it is an innovative partnership that has been established rather than the use of the innovation partnership procedure described in the Regulation, or was the Innovation Partnership procedure used? Are some of the issues linked to terminology? Is there flexibility to create your own procedure?

Author: E3M
Date: 08.06.21

A community innovative partnership starts as a commissioning, rather than a procurement, concept. The Local Authority’s role is adjusted from that of a directive market-purchaser and manager of budgets, to a provider and convener of resources and a co-ordinator and facilitator of public value outcomes; a lead stakeholder. Proper professional objectivity may be applied to […]