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Please pay particular attention to our five fundamental correctives for public service reform. You will also note that the following nine principles are common in all of our case studies of effective, successful purpose-aligned partnerships.

  • Planning for long-term infrastructure and service development as opposed to three-year service cycles
  • Integration of service stakeholders (commissioners, providers, funders, community institutions) and of public service sectors in relation to multiple service needs
  • Prevention as the optimal basis of a service, rather than reactive management
  • Collaboration between commissioners and providers, as opposed to service purchasing
  • Communication within operational engagement, rather than remote service delivery auditing
  • Transparency on resource, cost and reasonable surplus, rather than a commercial-style dealing, possibly with extractive profit
  • Trust as the practical currency, rather than contract prescription
  • Mutuality and fairness in facilitating contracts, rather than crude public sector cost minimisation
  • Flexibility built into working relationships

What next?

5 Fundamental Correctives for Public Service Reform

Read about the Five Correctives here or click the buttons below for descriptions of the outcomes of, process behind, underlying principles, and evidence for each corrective.

Case studies of purpose-aligned partnerships

Examples of successful public service community partnerships delivering a variety of public services. See them here.

Tools, Resources and Model Documents

Example documentation, contracts, processes and agreements you can access – or use as a checklist as you progress your partnerships. These practical models and outlines include a set of social value imperatives.

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