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Creating Happy Productive Social Enterprises

Event Date: 20.09.2018 |Time: 9.30-17.00 |Location: Happy London Training Centre, 3rd Floor, 9 Alie Street, London E1 8DE |Categories: Events

A one-day seminar for leaders and senior team members in social enterprises.

E3M was delighted to hold this one-day event in partnership with Happy, the award-winning company that offers management and leadership training programmes, consultancy and coaching services to help others create their own Happy workplaces.

Happy logo




A positive workplace culture is key to long-term social enterprise success:

  • Imagine a workplace where people are energised and motivated by being in control of the work they do.
  • Imagine they are trusted and given freedom, within clear guidelines, to decide how to achieve their results.
  • Imagine they are able to get the life balance they want.
  • Imagine they are valued according to the work that they do, rather than the number of hours they spend at their desk.

Wouldn’t you want to work there?

Studies show that workplace cultures where people feel motivated and fulfilled are more productive. This was a chance to hear from great speakers from Social Enterprises and get ideas to put into practice straight away. The Creating Happy Productive Social Enterprises Seminar was engaging, interactive and fun, with at least two dozen people from the Social Enterprise/mutual sector to meet and talk to, all committed to creating great organisations to work for.

9.30 – Registration and Coffee

10.00 – Welcome and Introductions
Jonathan Bland, MD, Social Business International, and Henry Stewart, Founder, CEO & Chief Happiness Officer, Happy

10.15 – The Case for Happy Workplaces
Henry Stewart, author of the Happy Manifesto, will share his ideas and set the focus for this highly interactive workshop based event.

10.30 – “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” – Peter Drucker
Scott Darraugh, CEO, Social Adventures, will share his views on why workplace culture is so important, including some practical examples and lessons learnt from his experience.

11.10 – Break

11.30 – Key question: “How can you ensure that your funding (and funders) is aligned to, protects and enhances your organisation’s mission, vision and values?”
Dom Llewellyn, Executive Director, Numbers for Good

11.40 – Learning from First Community Health Care CIC
Liz Mouland, Chief Nurse & Director of Clinical Standards, will share the experience of First Community Health Care CIC and explain their approach to creating a happy workplace.

12.20 – Putting the Happy Manifesto into practice
Brendan O’Keefe, MD, Epic CIC, will share his experience of working with staff at EPIC to create a happy workplace during the four years since EPIC spun out from Kensington and Chelsea Council.

13.00 – Lunch

13.45 – Post Lunch Energiser: Speed networking

14.05 – Difficult Times: Resilience for Survival
June O’Sullivan MBE, CEO, LEYF, will cover the importance of clear governance, timely decisions, open conversations and keeping staff loyal during difficult times, as well as the ability to describe issues in line with business KPIs in order to develop a meaningful and relevant turnaround plan.

14.40 – Break

15.10 – Key Question: “How good are you at designing meaningful jobs that make the most of your workforce?”
Lisa Saggers, Principal HR Consultant, Stone King LLP

15.20 – Creating a Happy Social Enterprise
Henry will lead this session on how we make it a happy, healthy workplace.

16.10 – Action Plans
What will you do to make this happen?

16.50 – Evaluation

17.00 – Networking Drinks

17.30 – End

More information about the speakers is available to download here.

This event was supported by ZurichZurich

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